Tuition and Fees

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Tuition and Other Fees(fiscal 2025)

Master's Programs

Application Period Matriculation Fee Tuition Personal Accident Insurance
for Students Pursuing Education and Research
First Year First Semester ¥250,000 ¥547,500 ¥1,750 ¥799,250
Second Semester - ¥547,500 - ¥547,500
Second Year and Over First Semester - ¥557,500 - ¥557,500
Second Semester - ¥557,500 - ¥557,500

Master's Programs in Graduate School of Clinical Technology

Application Period Matriculation Fee Tuition Personal Accident Insurance
for Students Pursuing Education and Research
First Year First Semester ¥250,000 ¥435,000 ¥1,750 ¥686,750
Second Semester - ¥435,000 - ¥435,500
Second Year and Over First Semester - ¥445,000 - ¥445,000
Second Semester - ¥445,000 - ¥445,000

Ph.D. Programs

Application Period Matriculation Fee Tuition Personal Accident Insurance
for Students Pursuing Education and Research
First Year First Semester ¥250,000 ¥547,500 ¥2,600 ¥800,100
Second Semester - ¥547,500 - ¥547,500
Second Year First Semester - ¥557,500 - ¥557,500
Second Semester - ¥557,500 - ¥557,500
Third Year and Over First Semester - ¥567,500 - ¥567,500
Second Semester - ¥567,500 - ¥567,500


From a diverse range of scholarships and loan programs,there are scholarship loan programs for Japanese students provided by the Japan Student Services Organization (see table below). The university also has a tuition exemption program for privately financed international graduate students who possess outstanding results.

Scholarship Loan Programs for Japanese Students Provided by JASSO
(The Japan Student Services Organization)

Type Monthly Sum ( fiscal 2022 )
Master’s Programs Ph.D. Programs
Type 1 Scholarship Loan (interest-free) ¥50,000 or ¥88,000 ¥80,000 or ¥122,000
Type 2 Scholarship Loan (with interest) Select from ¥50,000, ¥80,000, ¥100,000, ¥130,000 or ¥150,000

Teaching Assistant System

The graduate school of TUT implements a teaching assistant(TA)system in order to further enrich university education and provide graduate students with opportunity to teach and deepen their research as well as providing financial support.

Research Assistant System

The graduate school of TUT implements a research assistant (RA) system.Graduate students possessed of distinguished abilities are designated as research assistants and participate in further research projects, with the aim of strengthening the research system, further fostering their abilities, and providing them with financial support.